Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Question Two of the Quiz


The steam is an external and uncontrollable element, as for the position of the people; they will only be directly in front of the steam once. This is the Decisive Moment.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Josef Sudek


The outskirts of the page are darker, drawing the viewer's eye into the center of the piece. The subject of the piece is clutter and disorganization (and it's pretty clear too).

The purpose of the photo is to show the true workspace as a work of art. To be honest, the art is probably how anyone can remember where anything is in a workspace like this.

Some of the techniques used are black and white to accentuate the papers and documents, as well as to downplay the unimportant parts. Perspective is straight on and rather blunt.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Week 5 Writing Assignment

My sister; Graduate of SCAD and BSFA;

-What motivates you to make work?

"My love for art. I enjoy the subtleties of color differences when mixing oil paints... as weird as that sounds."

-What are you trying to communicate with your art?

"Sometimes my art doesn't have a meaning other than to make people smile, but a lot of the time I like to bring unusual perspectives to eye-level."

-What's the most important part of an art piece?

"It depends on the piece. A lot of the time, color is the most obvious answer.

Writing Assignments Week 4

1. Getting a message out or sharing things that others would not get a chance to see otherwise motivates me. The external results I hope for is the raised awareness of others.

2. Photography is a vehicle to transport the unacknowledged to the unaware.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Assignment Week 2

1. No it did not feel uncomfortable for me to be photographed. I'm particularly adept at warping awkward or uncomfortable situations into amusing anecdotes to remember. I don't particularly enjoy the emotional feelings of discomfort, so I choose to make it into a different emotion. In many cases it becomes humor.

2. I can think of several ways to make an uncomfortable subject at ease. First and foremost, inject humor into the situation. Laugh with them and joke with them to lighten their mood. One method would to be a photoninja. If the shot allows for it, don't be seen before hand; CAUTION-This is for family members or close friends only. Otherwise it's creepy. Finally, do a little roleplay. Toss them your camera and let them take a picture of you making a silly face. Letting them be in control for a bit will help them come out of their shell.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Josef Sudek

1. The photographer’s name is Josef Sudek. The book title is “Sudek”. The year of publication was 1978.

2. My two photos are on pages 1 and 8.

3. Photo 1 on page one is a piece of urban lighting. There is a fog that emphasizes the light sources as well as a contrasting silhouette of a person.

4. Photo 2 is also an urban lighting piece. There’s a cathedral in the background with many ornate patterns and crevasses for light to play off of.

5. I chose this book because it contained photography with the most similar tastes as myself (in the limited collection).

6. The photographer excels at lighting, contrasts, and timing. His pieces reflect an artist’s eye.

7. A ‘good’ photo would be an interesting subject matter, at the right time of day, in the right light, from the right angle.